Exercise-induced hyperthermia (EIH)

Exercise-induced hyperthermia, EIH

Dogs affected with exercise-induced hyperthermia (EIH) experience 5-15 minute episodes during which they suffer from neurological symptoms such as impaired consciousness and stiffening of limbs. The dog may stagger or fall down, or have abnormal gait. The cause of EIH is unknown, and it is not confirmed whether elevated body temperature is associated with the disease-causing mechanisms. Dogs with this condition appear healthy and normal at rest, and have symptoms only during or after exercise.

The EIH research project is collaboration between the Universities of Helsinki and Minnesota. Researchers in Minnesota have already identified a mutation causing exercise-induced collapse (EIC) in Labrador Retrievers and some other dog breeds. However, this is not the causal mutation for EIH in Whippets, for example.  

For information about the Whippet EIH and Border Collie collapse projects at the University of Minnesota, please check the following links:

Whippet EIH

Border Collie collapse


Study breeds:

EIH episodes have been reported in Whippets and Border Collies (often referred to as Border Collie Collapse). We are also interested in hearing about this condition in other breeds. 


Dogs eligible for study:

Samples from two kinds of dogs are needed for this research:

-dogs with exercise-induced hyperthermia/collapse

-healthy dogs with no exercise-induced symptoms despite regular and heavy exercise. These dogs should be old dogs with a long and active "career" in e.g. racing (Whippets), or other sports.


Copies of diagnoses and other information needed: EIH diary, results from clinical examinations, possible post-mortem report



Further information on sending blood samples.

A sample form to be sent along with the blood samples.

An electronic form for details and updates of dog's health and owner's contact information.


Contact persons:

In case your dog has EIH or could be used as a healthy control dog in this project, please contact tiina.heinonen@helsinki.fi

If you are in the USA, please contact Katie Minor at the University of Minnesota (minork (at) umn.edu)



Patterson ym. A canine DNM1 mutation is highly associated with the syndrome of exercise-induced collapse. Nat Genet. 2008 Oct;40(10):1235-9.